Juez de un Torneo de Debate de Secundaria en Español en Toda la Ciudad!
ORGANIZATION: Boston Debate League
Please visit the new page to apply.

Únete a nosotros como juez voluntario en el segundo torneo de debate de secundaria de la temporada!
Los jueces comparten su tiempo y talento para elevar la voz de los jóvenes escuchando las rondas de debate, ofreciendo feedback y determinando un ganador de las rondas de debate. Durante este turno tendrás la oportunidad de juzgar dos rondas de debate.
Registrese en: bostondebate.org/volunteer
Algunos detalles adicionales:
- No se requiere experiencia en debate (entrenamos al momento!).
- Daremos comida a lo largo del día.
- Puedes leer más sobre el puesto de juez aquí: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UT583WudKsU5cvMGuXpgR7GGmrse3Ta0oW9B-v4kh6g/edit?usp=sharing
- Después de inscribirte, recibirás un correo electrónico con instrucciones adicionales para prepararte para tu turno (incluida una inscripción adicional para el turno, un formulario de cuestionario, un formulario eCORI y entrenamiento para jueces que deberás completar). Mantente atento (¡incluso en tu carpeta de spam!).
¿Tienes alguna duda? Ponte en contacto con Valeria Pereira (vpereira@bostondebate.org).
2 Shifts
- Sat Feb 08, 2025 - 08:00 AM to 01:15 PM EST - Spots available: 10+
- Fri Feb 07, 2025 - 03:00 PM to 08:15 PM EST - Spots available: 10+
2 More opportunities with Boston Debate League
1 ReviewOpportunities
About Boston Debate League
1542 Tremont St, BOSTON, MA 02120, US
Mission Statement
The Boston Debate League prepares young people for college, career, and engagement with the world through debate-inspired learning in the classroom and beyond.
The Boston Debate League (BDL) is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with the Boston Public Schools (BPS) to support academic debate teams in local high schools and train BPS teachers to use debate as a regular part of their classroom practice. We offer debate and argumentation programs for young people in Greater Boston, with a commitment to serving students of color and other students who have been denied these educational opportunities. We tailor our programs to address the educational inequities they experience, and strive to create inclusive learning communities where all participants are welcome and supported in achieving the transformative, lifelong benefits of debate.
120 Tremont StreetBoston, MA 02108
January 28, 2025
- General Education
- Mentoring
- Teaching / Instruction
- Youth Services
- Spanish
- Background Check
- Must be at least 18