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Marine Fisheries Data Entry - Key Largo

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ORGANIZATION: National Park Service

Marine Fisheries Data Entry Volunteer Position

Help us rescue some marine fisheries data! We are looking for volunteers who like data entry and organization to take the lead on a project digitizing data previously submitted by partners of Everglades National Park. This work will include:

1) Entering fish-related data from paper datasheets into an Excel file.

2) Performing quality control checks on the data.

3) Scanning the paper datasheets to PDF. If you want to take the organization of the data a step further, brainstorming better long-term, organized storage is welcome.

*Work will be based out of Everglades National Park Key Largo Offices.

*Days and Times are flexible: 1-2 days per week (or more if desired); 2-4 hours per day; Monday-Friday

*Background check required

Start Date - 2025-01-06

End Date - 2025-05-30

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About National Park Service


1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240, US

Mission Statement

The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.


The U.S. National Park Service, www.nps.gov, cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage. We care for more than 400 national parks and help communities preserve their historic places and open spaces.


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Sports & Recreation
Arts & Culture, Environment, Sports & Recreation


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40001 State Road 9336Homestead, FL 33034







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