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  • Spots available: 1

Treasurer, Board of Directors

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ORGANIZATION: Seattle Metals Guild

  • Spots available: 1

The Board of Directors of The Seattle Metals Guild is seeking a volunteer to fill the Treasurer role for our Washington State non-profit arts and educational organization. Your contribution will help the Guild remain a vital nonprofit organization for our community of metals artists throughout Washington State and beyond.

The Treasurer shall take lead responsibility on the following

  • Financial oversight
    Overseeing the organization's financial health, including cash flow, bank accounts, and financial statements
  • Budgeting
    Preparing and presenting budgets for new and ongoing projects, and ensuring the organization adheres to its budget
  • Financial reporting
    Preparing and presenting financial reports to the organization's management and other stakeholders
  • Fundraising
    Advising on fundraising strategies and ensuring that fundraising activities comply with relevant laws and regulations
  • Risk management
    Identifying potential risks and opportunities, and ensuring that funds are protected from misuse
  • Financial planning
    Advising on the financial implications of strategic and operational plans
  • Record keeping
    Maintaining accurate records of all financial transactions, including receipts, payments, and bank statements
  • Tax compliance
    Working with a professional accountant to file taxes and ensure compliance with tax laws
  • Insurance
    Ensuring that the organization has the required insurance coverage

Specifically, The Treasurer

  • shall have control of all monies of the Guild, shall be responsible for the keeping and balancing the regular books of all applicable accounts, shall present financial reports to the Board at least quarterly, and shall perform such other duties as required by the office of the Board.
  • shall be responsible for the care and custody of all monies, funds and securities of the Guild and shall deposit or cause to be deposited all funds of the Guild in such depositories as directed by the Board. The Treasurer shall report to the Board at their regular meetings.
  • may endorse all corporate checks. The Board may, by resolution, designate others to also endorse corporate checks.
  • shall submit statements of the Guild's financial condition at each annual meeting, and whenever asked by the Board. The Treasurer will, by the members or through employment of an outside agency, keep all books of accounts relating to the business of the Guild. Employment of an outside agency may be recommended and approved by the Board.

More opportunities with Seattle Metals Guild

No additional volunteer opportunities at this time.

About Seattle Metals Guild


5511 1/2 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98108, US

Mission Statement

The Seattle Metals Guild is dedicated to promoting educational and networking opportunities for metals artists at all career levels and skillsets through lectures, workshops, social gatherings, and other enrichment opportunities, in order to strengthen our creative community.


The Seattle Metals Guild is about learning. It’s about sharing information, building skills and advancing the field of metalsmithing while broadening the horizons of its members. Founded in 1989, we are a non-profit community of jewelers, metalsmiths, artists, makers -practitioners and metals fans of all tempers, gauges, and alloys- who are excited about the traditions and contemporary possibilities of this wonderful art form.

Along with providing affordable educational opportunities to our members and to the general public, our activities include a bimonthly newsletter, exhibitions, an annual symposium and a series of workshops and lectures on a wide variety of subjects. The SMG relies on the skills, enthusiasm, and energy of our members to power the organization and we welcome any and all to come join us!


Arts & Culture
Education & Literacy
Arts & Culture, Community, Education & Literacy


Sat Mar 01, 2025 - Thu May 29, 2025
08:00 AM - 08:00 AM


Seattle, WA 98108



  • Financial Planning
  • Budgeting
  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping


  • People 55+


  • Must be at least 24
  • approx 2-4 hrs / month
  • Attend monthly online Board meetings

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