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  • A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
  • 3 people are interested

13th Annual Head for the Cure 5k - Austin

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ORGANIZATION: Head for the Cure Foundation

  • A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
  • 3 people are interested
2017 HFTC

Head for the Cure is a nonprofit brain cancer research foundation. We are hosting our 13th Annual 5k to fund brain cancer research to locally benefit Texas Oncology Brain Cancer Clinic! It is a celebration for the whole family where we welcome walkers and runners alike. There will be local vendors, music, kid's entertainment, snacks, awards to runners, and a program honoring survivors, caregivers and healthcare heroes.

We need volunteers to make this event possible!

Below are examples of duties we need help with:

Course Monitors:

  • Must be 18+
  • Stand on course and direct runners and walkers
  • Cheer them on as they pass *Helpful if you are familiar with area, but not required, we have a course map on Google that can direct you to your area *

Packet Pick up Check In:

  • Check in participants already registered
  • Give them their running bibs and event t-shirt

Day of Registration:

  • Take day of registrations, make them a timing bib
  • Take day of donations


  • Place water in troughs, refill water and ice as needed, Hand water to the participants as they cross the finish line

Set Up:

  • Set up tents, tables and decorations before the event starts
  • Help unload everything from the truck

Tear Down:

  • Fold up tents, tables and put away decorations
  • Help load everything back onto the truck

** We need help from all volunteers for Set up and Tear Down. It is OK if you cannot do heavy lifting, there are still small things to set up and many ways to help **


  • Place HFTC flags around the site

Food Tent:

  • Set up and staff coffee & food tent for the entirety of the event. Refill cups, sugars, keep station clean, help serve guests, etc. + Clean up and tear down 7 AM - 11 AM

Green Team:

  • Set up trash receptacles around site, watch that people are putting trash and recycling in correct receptacles, change out trash bag as needed

Wall of Hope Set up:

  • Set up tent and station for Wall of Hope/Celebration of life. This is a tent displaying memorials of loved ones lost, and where people can come and write who they run/participate for.

Awards Set up:

  • Display awards on table to give out and have ready after the race

Medals set up:

  • Display medals by finish line to participants, after set up cheer them on and hand out medals

14 More opportunities with Head for the Cure Foundation

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About Head for the Cure Foundation


1607 Oak Street, Kansas City, MO 64108, US

Mission Statement

The Head for the Cure Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness and funding in the fight against brain cancer. In 2004, funds raised by Head for the Cure enabled the seed money to launch the Brain Tumor Trials Collaborative (BTTC) at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX.


The 5K events are not only successful fundraisers, but unique tributes to those who are fighting brain cancer and those who have lost their battles. Their memories carry on through the teams that formed around them, and the teams return year after year to celebrate their legacies.


Health & Medicine
People with Disabilities
Sports & Recreation
Health & Medicine, People with Disabilities, Sports & Recreation


Sun Mar 23, 2025
06:00 AM - 10:30 AM


3220 Amy Donovan PlazaAustin, TX 78758



  • Food & Beverage Services
  • Interior / Exterior Design
  • Healthcare
  • Fundraising
  • Community Outreach


  • Kids
  • People 55+
  • Public Groups


  • This is a Done in a Day opportunity and there is no prior training or ongoing commitment needed.

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