- A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
Park Day 2025
ORGANIZATION: National Park Service
Please visit the new page to apply.
- A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
Join Manassas NBP staff and volunteers for the American Battlefield Trust's Annual Park Day on Henry Hill, site of the final fighting of both First and Second Manassas. This year, projects will focus on Henry Hill in advance of the 160th anniversary of the Patriot's Monument which was dedicated in June of 1865. This monument was one of the first erected on a Civil War battlefield following the end of the war, and park staff are planning two events in May and June to mark this anniversary.
On April 26th, we are looking for volunteers who will assist us with beautification and clean-up projects at the battlefield including:
- Tree Planting.
- Fenceline Clean-up.
- General Trail/Wayside Clean-up.
Volunteers will work on smaller crews led by park staff and volunteers which will head out onto Henry Hill at 9:00 a.m. and return around 1:00 p.m. Please be there to check in between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. to finish paperwork, receive instructions, and borrow safety equipment if needed. We will ask you for your preference of project and do our best to accommodate it. Please make sure to wear sturdy shoes, carry water, and wear sunscreen and tick repellant. If you would like to bring work gloves, please do. We will also have gloves for anyone that needs them.
For more information about park day, visit Park Day @ Manassas National Battlefield Park | American Battlefield Trust (battlefields.org)
Start Date - 2025-01-15
End Date - 2025-04-21
Activities include: General Assistance;Historical Preservation;Natural Resources Planning;Other;Weed/Invasive Species Control
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About National Park Service
1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240, US
Mission Statement
The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.
The U.S. National Park Service, www.nps.gov, cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage. We care for more than 400 national parks and help communities preserve their historic places and open spaces.
6511 Sudley RoadManassas, VA 20109
January 16, 2025
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