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Seeking Human Rights Standing Committee Members
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The Human Rights Standing Committee
In 1999, state regulations governing services to people with developmental disabilities were revised and the composition of standing committees were regulated at that time. The establishment of a Human Rights Standing Committee (HRSC) is required by The Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR)
What is the role of the Human Rights Standing Committee?
Ø Ensuring that policies, programs and activities of SEEC are consistent with the rights and dignities of the people SEEC supports. This includes promoting innovative, quality support services and viewing complaints of human rights violations and actions taken to correct and/or remedy such violations. Ø Ensuring the health, safety and welfare of individuals receiving services. SEEC staff will identify, report, and resolve incidents in a timely manner. An incident includes an allegation or an actual occurrence of an event that adversely and/or has the potential to negatively affect the health, safety, and welfare of a person. By identifying any trends, SEEC is better able to identify training needs of staff and promote quality service delivery. The HRSC will review quarterly reports and trends of incident reports. Ø Review for approval all behavior plans which use restrictive techniques to ensure that the behavior plan complies with the requirements of COMAR 10:22.04.03A and 10:22.10The purpose of the HRSC is to review the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities.
The HRSC helps with:
* Taking an unbiased look at agency practice * Developing creative solutions to problems * Bringing fresh ideas into agenciesThe HRSC performs the following:
* Assist agency with quality assurance functions * Reviews incident reports * Approves behavior plans using restrictive techniques * Ensures that the legal and human rights of Individual served by the licensee.2 More opportunities with SEEC Corporation
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About SEEC Corporation
8905 Fairview Road, Suite 300, Silver Spring, MD 20910, US
Mission Statement
To help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to direct their lives with dignity, choice, authority, and responsibility.
SEEC provides an array of services to help people who have significant disabilities live, work and thrive in their communities. Active community engagement gives people opportunities to showcase their abilities, develop new interests and talents, contribute to the workforce, and broaden their social networks. Full inclusion also helps change long-held stereotypes of people with disabilities from being "needy" to "contributing" - from being different to having a lot in common with their non-disabled peers.
SEEC’s services are driven by the unique desires of the men and women we support to:
- Live in a home of their choosing with whom they want to live
- Housemates Wanted!
- Benefit from paid employment that is valued and meaningful
- Pursue their personal development through continuous learning
- Thrive in communities of family and friends
This is a Virtual Opportunity with no fixed address.
August 19, 2024
- Mental Health
- Counseling / Mental Health
- Crisis Counseling
- Healthcare
- Psychology
- Social Work
- Must be at least 30
- Orientation or Training
- Quarterly Meetings
- We would prefer that committee members have lived experience with IDD or has had experience with the IDD population.