Mentor to Families In Need - Family Liaison
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Recruiting Organization: Families Forward Charlotte
Become a Family Liaison And Change A Life Today
Imagine you are the mother in a family of five. You don't know exactly how or why, but you are homeless. You never thought you would be in this situation. But you are. You feel helpless and hopeless.
What if you were introduced to someone, a Family Liaison mentor, who could help bring insight and guidance to your situation and support you as you work to get out of poverty? What if having a support network and guidance is all you needed?
What if YOU were that Family Liaison mentor? It takes one person to change the lives of a family.
FFC needs Family Liaison mentors to support families in situations like described above. By volunteering, you can personally impact a family in need and help them reach their goal of self-sufficiency. Contact us today to find out how you can help, or sign up here for an interest session: (copy and past the link in your browser)
What are the qualifications?
There is no minimum skill-set required to become a Family Liaison. Our staff trains all Family Liaisons prior to volunteering and provides year-round support.
What is the commitment?
Family Liaisons must complete a recent background check and attend one eight-hour training prior to serving as a volunteer. Additionally, Liaisons commit to working with their Family Partner for one year, volunteering for approximately six hours per month. This includes one face-to-face meeting per month with weekly touch bases in between via phone.
"Working with Families Forward Charlotte has brought my family a completely new understanding of the needs of our community and our neighbors that are dealing with poverty. We have learned and grown more from our family partner than we could have ever offered to them. They have shown us what hard work, perseverance, and humility looks like and it has been an honor to be a part of their lives." - Family Liaison mentor
This Could Be Your Impact:
Moriah is a single mother to a 10-year boy. She was completely on her own with no family and no support system. Working two part-time jobs, she was living at the poverty level. She and her son lived in a house with three other families and she was struggling.
Moriah was referred to FFC and signed up for our program, unsure of what she would get out of it. Moriah was partnered with a volunteer Family Liaison, who began to meet with her once a month and would touch base weekly over the phone to see how her week was going. Together they set goals for the year and her Liaison checked in on Moriah's progress, providing support, assurance and direction to resources as needed.
A few short months into the program, Moriah's confidence grew. She had someone in her corner cheering her along. She had someone she could reach out to if things got tough or she needed help and guidance. By the end of the year, Moriah and her son were in stable housing with no roommates. Moriah was budgeting correctly to ensure she could keep up with her rent and utilities. But most importantly, she was beginning to change the course of her future for herself and her son.
The support her Family Liaison provided her gave her the confidence and resources she needed to help her succeed. You can impact a family like Moriah's by signing up to be a volunteer Family Liaison. There is no experience as rewarding as watching your impact help a family grow. Email us today to sign up at Or, join an interest session: (copy and paste into browser)
Stipend ProvidedFalse
Training ProvidedFalse
Housing AvailableFalse
Language/Cultral Support AvailableFalse
Wheelchair AccessibleFalse
Fee RequiredFalse
Fee Amount: None
This opportunity is recurring
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Charlotte, NC 28216
November 18, 2023