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  • 33 people are interested

Volunteer with Animal Rights Coalition

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  • A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
  • 33 people are interested

The Animal Rights Coalition (ARC) engages in a number of different animal advocacy strategies and opportunities for volunteers to get involved so there's something for everyone. Scan through the variety of volunteer opportunities ARC engages in below:

Outreach events: During the Summer, we attend large public events such as farmers markets, Twin Cities Pride Festival, Open Streets, IndiaFest and EarthFest to hand out literature and food samples and engage people in our virtual reality outreach. During the school year, we travel to colleges to set up a table and talk to students about veganism and animal rights. Volunteers are always needed at these events!

TV Outreach: When the weather is nice, ARC sets up outside high traffic venues with large TV screens to educate the community about animal exploitation. Last year we stood outside the State Fair to talk about the victims of the dairy industry and the harmful effects drinking cow's milk has on human health and the environment. Volunteers are always needed at these events!

Peaceful Protests: ARC peacefully protests outside venues where animal exploitation occurs such as rodeos, circuses, hunting expos and stores that exploit animals such as selling fur or dogs from puppy mills. The more volunteers we can get at each protest, the better!

Volunteer Meetings: ARC hosts a volunteer meeting on the third Wednesday of each month to bring in new and returning volunteers. Each meeting has a different theme or topic to discuss. All are welcome!

Cuddle Coats Prep Sessions: One of ARC's programs, Cuddle Coats, is designed to educate the community about the fur industry. We take in donated fur coats and prep them to be shipped to wildlife rehabilitation centers and rescues across the United States. We only hold a few prep sessions each year, but when we do, the more volunteers we have to prep, the better! After each prep session, we thank the volunteers by treating them to vegan pizza.

Garbage Clean-Ups: Before and after the snow clears, ARC is sure to get outside and clean up areas that have the most garbage. Not only are garbage clean-ups great for the environment, it can also help spare an animal from choking or consuming something harmful. The more volunteers we can get for clean-ups, the better!

Individual tasks: We've found that some people would like to help animals but aren't comfortable being around others or are unable to attend events in person. If this is the case, we have tasks that individuals can do on their own time, either at home or in ARC's office. Please email Kelsey@animalrightscoalition.com for more information.

*Volunteer Orientation and Trainings are offered throughout the year, but you do not need to have pervious experience to volunteer with ARC.*


Visit ARC's Volunteer Network for all your volunteer needs: https://sites.google.com/view/arc-volunteer-network/home

  • Sign up for ARC's monthly volunteer email: https://sites.google.com/view/arc-volunteer-network/volunteer-form
  • Subscribe to ARC's Google Calendar to view upcoming volunteer opportunities: https://sites.google.com/view/arc-volunteer-network/calendar

*Use the link to the Google Form provided in the event description to sign up as a volunteer for each event.*

Email Kelsey@animalrightscoalition.com if you have any questions.

Follow ARC on social media:
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/vegan-415/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/animalrightscoalition/

More opportunities with ANIMAL RIGHTS COALITION INC

No additional volunteer opportunities at this time.



317 W 48TH ST, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55419, US

Mission Statement

The Animal Rights Coalition works to end the suffering, abuse, and exploitation of non-human animals through information, education, and advocacy. We believe that animals matter for their own reasons and that they should not be used by human beings for profit, pleasure, amusement, or simply because it is our habit to do so. We seek to abolish the use and exploitation of animals for human interests, rather than simply improving the conditions under which animals are used and exploited. We believe that animals are morally entitled to pursue their lives free of human violence according to the needs of their species and should be free from coerced physical and psychological suffering.


The Animal Rights Coalition is the oldest and most successful animal rights organization in Minnesota, with over three decades of helping animals. ARC's membership has grown significantly over the years and it is a locally and nationally recognized voice for animal rights.

We focus on spreading the word about compassionate living and believe that positive change comes about from connection, communication, and education. We advance our goals through community outreach, strategic campaigns and investigations, media outreach, and person-to-person contact, as we strive to fundamentally change how society views and treats all sentient beings. From helping people transition to a plant-based diet to publicizing the abuse of animals in laboratories to educating the public about the exploitation of animals used in entertainment, ARC’s unique and innovative education and outreach programs reach thousands of people every year.

What makes ARC so unique is that instead of expecting people to make far reaching changes in their lives based on a one-time message, we work to connect with people on a deeper level. We create lots of opportunities for people to not only learn about animal issues, but also find support and community as they process these new revelations about how animals are treated in our world. We want to remove as many barriers as we can to people making ethical choices for animals. It’s vital that we help people with the "how" once they believe in the "why" and that’s exactly what ARC does.


Advocacy & Human Rights
Advocacy & Human Rights, Animals, Environment


We'll work with your schedule.


Multiple locations Minneapolis, MN 55419




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