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People in Recovery From Addictive Behavior Need Your Time & Energy to Succeed.

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  • 73 people are interested

The best journeys in life aren’t where you find yourself - they’re where you find other people . Scientific evidence shows that discussion groups work in recovery. This support has become increasingly important throughout the pandemic as a way for participants to connect themselves and their experiences with others and the greater world.

If you have approximately 1.5 hours a week to volunteer, you could facilitate a group via Zoom to help support participants in changing how they think about their experiences and also in what they would like to change for their futures. As the weekly meetings are held via Zoom, this opportunity is not geographically-limited although most of the participants are based in the San Diego area.

These weekly groups offer dynamic conversational opportunities for group participants to share suggestions for what personal experience has shown to be successful and also for challenges and struggles individuals are experiencing. The participants help one another. Your responsibility is to keep the meeting on track using a tested process we have developed and by following some simple guided discussion scripts we will provide.

We have a free, thorough training process defined and will provide a mentor to work one-on-one with you to guide you through the process. We will also help you find substitutes if you need to miss a meeting.

If you would like to help others build positive relationships, better habits, greater capacity to cope with behaviors they wish to change, and lead more balanced, productive, and meaningful lives, this is the opportunity for you.


To learn more about the opportunity and receive more information on the free training and one-on-one mentoring, please email: training@smartrecoverysd.org

More information about San Diego SMART is also available on our website: smartrecoverysd.org

If you care about people and connections, you will not find a more meaningful and rewarding experience than volunteering with SMART Recovery.

SMART Recovery is a community devoted to helping individuals learn about and practice a self-empowering approach for stopping problematic addictive behavior. SMART Recovery offers a science-based, non-step philosophy that provides tools and strategies for individuals under the umbrella of four main points: Building & Maintaining Motivation; Coping with Urges & Cravings; Managing Thoughts, Feelings & Behaviors; and Building A Balanced Life.

Our motto is "Discover the Power of Choice". We welcome your participation in our community.

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About SMART Recovery


7304 Mentor Ave, Suite F, Mentor, OH 44060, US

Mission Statement

SMART Recovery helps individuals gain independence from any type of addictive behavior, by providing a program of recovery based on scientific evidence about addiction and recovery. SMART Recovery also advocates for choice in recovery, so that individuals needing to change addictive behavior are made aware of their options and allowed to choose freely among them.


SMART Recovery (Self-Mangement And Recovery Training) helps individuals gain independence from harmful addictive behaviors through its science-based program and its self-help meetings. Our program is evidence-based and evolves as scientific knowledge advances. Our program is secular; neither demanding or demeaning spiritual or religious beliefs. Description: SMART Recovery is a not-for-profit educational organization run by volunteers which offers free abstinence-based self-help meetings, both face-to-face and on the web, aimed at abstaining from harmful addictive behaviors. Within our 4 Point Program we teach people how to: 1.) enhance and maintain motivation to abstain; 2.) cope with cravings and urges; 3.) better manage thoughts, feelings and behaviors; 4.) balance short and long term satisfactions. Volunteers may have recovered from an addiction or may have never been addicted - that seems to make no difference. What is important is that they understand the tools and strategies we offer and approach people with empathy and acceptance, and without pressure or confrontation. A fuller explication of our tools and techniques, meeting and other service offerings, volunteer opportunities, basis in science, related programs, learning materials, and other opportunities to participate may be found at our web-site: www.smartrecovery.org and we appreciate people's donations, both money and volunteer time.


Advocacy & Human Rights
Crisis Support
Advocacy & Human Rights, Community, Crisis Support


We'll work with your schedule.


This is a Virtual Opportunity with no fixed address.


  • Mental Health
  • Counseling / Mental Health
  • Life Coaching
  • Psychology
  • People Skills
  • Relationship Building




  • Must be at least 18
  • Orientation or Training
  • Training process is flexible. Once completed, 1.5 hours at the same time each week.
  • Ability to communicate verbally to small groups and belief that a non-judgmental, inclusive community of self-empowered individuals can support each other and create lasting changes in their lives. Minimum age 18.

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