- A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
23 people are interested
Is there someone you would like to help change their life? You can!
ORGANIZATION: Work & Learn, Inc.
Please visit the new page to apply.
- A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
23 people are interested
Is there someone you would like to help change their life? You can!
Let's refer to that person as your friend because either he or she is already your friend or will become one when you help him or her.
Your friend needs to be the one to take the initiative and be their own agent in order to change their life. This is a team effort.
Your having resources, backup and know-how to give effective help to your friend can enable the change to happen.
A good source for free resources are the guidelines for 30 Actions to Change Your Life on a website by that same name at worknlearn.us.
Introduce your friend to the choices that exist among the Actions and offer to help. Notice that help is also available for specific Actions from other volunteers skilled as career coaches, specialists and Christian mentors.
Your help as a friend on a continuing basis may be the most transformative. Your friend may not have anyone else to help. And may not even know that help is available.
Your friend can choose which Actions to take. And set his or her own independent time, schedule and place to accomplish them. You will want to be in touch, probably at least once a week. A call 1-to-1 is a good way to share and encourage progress being made. It approximates face-to-face contact very well when that is not possible.
You can also help your friend recognize where additional help is needed and suggest whom he or she should call.
In your response to this opportunity, please say how you want to volunteer, your motivation and your background or capability. If possible, introduce your friend.
Email worknlearninc@gmail.com.
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About Work & Learn, Inc.
36 Laurelwood Road, Groton, CT 06340, US
Mission Statement
Work & Learn Inc provides training to enable adults to transform their lives.
The Work & Learn training course is called Actions to Change Your Life.
It’s online free of charge at worknlearn.us .
It’s also in the Know-How to Change-Your Life Course Workbook at Amazon, at cost, about $5.
The course combines actions to strengthen spiritual values and career skills. These actions enable you to
- Build your relationships, job, career, attitude, hope and faith .
- Discover your purpose in life and take it in a whole new direction.
- Strengthen yourself spiritually
This is a Virtual Opportunity with no fixed address.
June 20, 2024
- Human Resources Training & Development
- Career Counseling / Coaching
- Recruiting
- Community Outreach
- Networking
- Relationship Building
- Group
- Several hours a week.