- A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
260 people are interested
Help keep your community clean with a Park Cleanup in Montgomery Parks, Maryland!
Please visit the new page to apply.
- A group opportunity. Invite your friends.
260 people are interested
Park cleanups help beautify our community green spaces, keep litter out of our streams, and protect wildlife. Join us at one of our many cleanups throughout the year. Staff or trained volunteers will lead you to the trash, and provide you with gloves and trash bags too! Cleanups are pre-approved for Montgomery County Public School's Student Service Learning (SSL) hours. Forms will be provided at the cleanup.
A few requirements:
- Children under 14 years old must volunteer with a parent/guardian.
- Students must pre-register to receive SSL hours. Do not use your school email (it does not allow outsiders to contact you).
- Dress appropriately, including close toed shoes, long pants and long sleeves. Bring water and snacks.
- This opportunity is not eligible for court-ordered service.
For questions contact: volunteercleanups@montgomeryparks.org
Volunteers must register on the Park's website - a link will be provided after you respond to this opportunity.11 More opportunities with Montgomery Parks, M-NCPPC
3 ReviewsOpportunities
About Montgomery Parks, M-NCPPC
Wheaton Headquarters, 2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, MD 20902, US
Mission Statement
Protect and interpret our valuable natural and cultural resources; balance the demand for recreation with the need for conservation; offer a variety of enjoyable recreational activities that encourage healthy lifestyles; and provide clean, safe, and accessible places for leisure-time activities.
Our agency is located just north of Washington D.C., and was originally created to protect the stream valleys around the D.C. area. We have grown into a 34,000 acre park system with over 400 local, urban and regional parks; recreation centers; ballfields; playgrounds; nature centers, a botanic garden and over 200 miles of trails.
Multiple locations Silver Spring, MD 20902
August 7, 2024
- Habitat Restoration
- Environmental Education
- Kids
- Teens
- People 55+
- Group
- This is a Done in a Day opportunity and there is no prior training or ongoing commitment needed.
- Must be at least 5
- 2 hours
- Volunteers under 14 are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.