Member Benefits

Become a VolunteerMatch Member and take advantage of our full suite of volunteer recruitment and management services. Designed with volunteer leaders in mind, you'll get access to tools that automate and simplify your recruitment process, and that save you time.
  • Create and manage opportunities
    Post volunteer opportunities and connect with people to advance your cause.
  • Match volunteers to the skills you need
    Review the background and skills of people interested in your cause.
  • Recruit volunteers from our corporate partners
    Extend your reach by promoting your volunteer opportunities to our corporate partners.
  • Repost opportunities with just one click
    Keep your opportunities at the top of search results and in front of prospective volunteers with just one click.
  • Request donations button for 501c3 organizations
    Your volunteers are passionate about your cause. Give them a simple way to donate money in addition to their time, energy and passion.
  • Send customized email greetings
    Automatically respond to volunteer inquiries with a personalized greeting that can include links and attachments.
  • Add your videos
    Videos reach a larger volunteer audience. Post your organization's videos with this tool.
  • Manage your photos
    Volunteer opportunities with photos are more engaging. Feature up to 20 images with this tool.
  • Send group alerts
    Message all your volunteers as a group and in a single email.
  • Track & report opportunity metrics
    Monitor connections and page views for your opportunities.
  • Export your opportunity data
    Easily export and share data about your program.
  • Send automated custom questionnaires
    Easily qualify volunteers to help match them to your opportunities.
  • Automatically send documents to potential volunteers
    Easily store, manage and send volunteer registration forms, questionnaires, and other important documents.
  • Embed volunteer opportunities on your own site
    Show volunteer opportunities you've posted at VolunteerMatch on your own site.
  • Copy your opportunities
    Copy an existing opportunity and modify it to easily create new ones.
  • Streamline your volunteer qualification process
    Save time by pre-screening and qualifying volunteers up front, without the email back and forth.
  • Post opportunities in multiple zip codes at a discount rate
    Recruit more volunteers by expanding your reach to include additional zip codes.
  • NEW - Manage vounteers who connect with you through VolunteerMatch
    Manage your ongoing volunteers relationships with our early-stage volunteer engagement platform.