Claim your organization's VolunteerMatch profile now
Enjoy the benefits! Join our highly engaged network -- 13 million volunteers and 130,000 nonprofits -- and take advantage of the world's most powerful volunteer recruiting services, engagement tools, and best-in-class educational resources.

You will need
- Have your mission statement and organization description handy
- If you are a 501(c), be sure to have your EIN ready
Start Here
501(c) Nonprofits
Choose this option if you're a government organization, and register with your official .gov or .US email address. If you're a hospice, hospital, or state-level tax exempt organization, choose this option and watch your email; we will request proof of your status post-registration.
Gov't, Hospice,
- Government Organizations
- Hospices & Hospitals
- State-Level Tax Exempt Organizations
Other Organizations
Choose this option if you're an accredited public or private K-12 school or a university
- Public and Private K-12
- Public and Private Universities
Choose this option if you're an NGO based outside of the United States. You'll need to provide a valid English website, full mission statement, and description to be approved.
- Non-Governmental Organizations (Non-US)
Need help registering your organization? Visit our
Help Center