Lowcountry Council of Governments

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights


PO Box 98Yemassee, SC 29945 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Improving the lives of Lowcountry citizens through client programs and services to local governments; serving as a resource to the twenty-five local governments in the Region and a connection between them and certain state and federal programs.


LCOG is a public agency guided by a thirty-member board of directors appointed by the participating local governments. Our activities are organized into four program areas: Aging and Disability, Community and Economic Development, Planning and Transportation, and Workforce Development. Our staff members provide assistance to senior citizens and persons with disabilities; community and economic development with a focus on infrastructure improvements and affordable housing programs, grant writing and administration, and creating jobs; planning for future land use in communities and regional transportation; and workforce development assistance for employers and job seekers.


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