NH Coalition to End Homelessness

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger
  • Veterans & Military Families



Organization Information

Mission Statement

The NH Coalition to End Homelessness (NHCEH), a nonprofit organization with headquarters in Manchester, NH, was founded in 1990. As homelessness increased throughout the state, individuals and organizations began working on solutions to house and serve this growing population. In response, the NHCEH organized leaders in the state to research solutions on ending homelessness, educate providers on best practices, and empower people to advocate on behalf of the homeless. Our belief is that having a home is a basic human right and is fundamental to becoming an engaged and contributing member of our community.


The NH Coalition to End Homelessness provides services designed to 1) enhance the quality of homeless services and programs; 2) increase collaboration across the various systems of care serving homeless individuals and families; and 3) elevate awareness about the issue of homelessness in our state. The NHCEH accomplishes these goals through the implementation of three key activities:

  1. The provision of high quality training and technical assistance designed to ensure consistent and integrated care for homeless individuals and families. The NHCEH is the source for professional development opportunities on homelessness and its related issues in New Hampshire. Each year the NHCEH provides numerous high quality and affordable trainings on key areas of interest including trauma-informed services, evidence based case management, and culturally competent care, among others. All of these trainings are designed to increase knowledge and skills among social service providers working within multiple systems of care whose work touches the homeless in New Hampshire.
  2. Conducting, facilitating and disseminating research about the state of homelessness in New Hampshire. Understanding the causes and symptoms of homelessness in NH is essential to making effective public policy decisions and developing and enhancing services. Many organizations and government bodies collect data on homelessness and disseminate this information in reports and summaries. In addition to making these reports and plans on homelessness and its tangential issues easily accessible, the NHCEH also produces an annual report on the state of homelessness in New Hampshire. The NHCEH also works to increase awareness and understanding through collaborations with students and faculty at local colleges and universities, as well as through the provision of an annual scholarship that highlights the needs of school-aged youth.
  3. Empowering homeless constituents and the public to advocate for homeless services by teaching people about best practice advocacy activities and by acting as an information and communication hub where news and resources about legislative priorities affecting the homeless can be found. The NHCEH partners with Housing Action New Hampshire and other agencies throughout the state to help concerned citizens and service providers understand how they can legally and effectively advocate for services for this population.


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