Art Studio Miami Inc

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


7230 NW Miami Ct Studio #5, Purple DoorMiami, FL 33150 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of Art Studio Inc, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is to empower young minds by providing a safe location where youth are inspired and guided by artists, teachers and professional mentors who support the student's education and career development through the integration of creative holistic LIFE ARTS.


Art Studio Inc, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, made up of skilled volunteers, teaching artists, professionals and mentors. Our purpose and goal is to empower young minds by providing a safe space within the schools and communities, for career focused, creative-holistic art integrated programs and mentoring to take place. Art Studio's engaging programs encourage creative thinking, personal responsibility, career development, environmental awareness, and positive self-images - all of which increase students' chances for self-sufficiency and long-term success.

Our core values include utilizing the arts as a resource in advocating for human rights, developing Life Skills and exposing our youth to attainable professional career path solutions.

  • Human Rights - Art Studio believes firmly in advocating for human rights. Because of the population we serve, we have witnessed families and children living in 3rd world type poverty here in the USA. We hope to play a part in changing these conditions to match what is stated in Article 25 and 26 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

Article 25. States that (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well- being...including food, clothing, housingand medical care and necessary socialservices... (2) Motherhood andchildhood are entitled to special careand assistance. All children...shall enjoythe same social protection.

Article 26. (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free...Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. (2) Education shall be directed to thefull development of the humanpersonality and to the strengthening ofrespect for human rights andfundamental freedoms.

  • Life Skills - Art Studio provides introductions to basic life skills such as managing daily house hold activities as well as budgets, opening a bank account and basic financial skills. Because the at-risk population of youth we serve have little to no support or exposure to common practical life skills they need guidance to learn the basics of being productive and responsible. Continuing to develop additional life skills is another crucial aspect to their success.
  • Professional Careers - Art Studio is dedicated to empowering youth towards successful futures-academically and professionally-in a changing, global environment. Each program aims to build self discipline, entrepreneurial spirit, personal responsibility, and career readiness. Our Art Studio mentors and guest speakers expose students to a variety of accessible careers in today's global economy.


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1 review Write a review
by Michael E. (2022-09-02 15:08:08.0)
I love art because i love to create art style and for the community and for the future and generation artist of the future

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